API Overview
class RemoteHTTPTraceServer
method __init__
trace_server_url: str,
should_batch: bool = False,
remote_request_bytes_limit: int = 32505856
method call_end
call_end(req: Union[CallEndReq, dict[str, Any]]) → CallEndRes
method call_read
call_read(req: Union[CallReadReq, dict[str, Any]]) → CallReadRes
method call_start
call_start(req: Union[CallStartReq, dict[str, Any]]) → CallStartRes
method call_update
call_update(req: Union[CallUpdateReq, dict[str, Any]]) → CallUpdateRes
method calls_delete
calls_delete(req: Union[CallsDeleteReq, dict[str, Any]]) → CallsDeleteRes
method calls_query
calls_query(req: Union[CallsQueryReq, dict[str, Any]]) → CallsQueryRes
method calls_query_stats
req: Union[CallsQueryStatsReq, dict[str, Any]]
) → CallsQueryStatsRes
method calls_query_stream
calls_query_stream(req: CallsQueryReq) → Iterator[CallSchema]
method cost_create
cost_create(req: Union[CostCreateReq, dict[str, Any]]) → CostCreateRes
method cost_purge
cost_purge(req: Union[CostPurgeReq, dict[str, Any]]) → CostPurgeRes
method cost_query
cost_query(req: Union[CostQueryReq, dict[str, Any]]) → CostQueryRes
method ensure_project_exists
ensure_project_exists(entity: str, project: str) → EnsureProjectExistsRes
method feedback_create
req: Union[FeedbackCreateReq, dict[str, Any]]
) → FeedbackCreateRes
method feedback_purge
feedback_purge(req: Union[FeedbackPurgeReq, dict[str, Any]]) → FeedbackPurgeRes
method feedback_query
feedback_query(req: Union[FeedbackQueryReq, dict[str, Any]]) → FeedbackQueryRes
method file_content_read
file_content_read(req: FileContentReadReq) → FileContentReadRes
method file_create
file_create(req: FileCreateReq) → FileCreateRes
classmethod from_env
from_env(should_batch: bool = False) → RemoteHTTPTraceServer
method obj_create
obj_create(req: Union[ObjCreateReq, dict[str, Any]]) → ObjCreateRes
method obj_read
obj_read(req: Union[ObjReadReq, dict[str, Any]]) → ObjReadRes
method objs_query
objs_query(req: Union[ObjQueryReq, dict[str, Any]]) → ObjQueryRes
method op_create
op_create(req: Union[OpCreateReq, dict[str, Any]]) → OpCreateRes
method op_read
op_read(req: Union[OpReadReq, dict[str, Any]]) → OpReadRes
method ops_query
ops_query(req: Union[OpQueryReq, dict[str, Any]]) → OpQueryRes
method refs_read_batch
refs_read_batch(req: Union[RefsReadBatchReq, dict[str, Any]]) → RefsReadBatchRes
method server_info
server_info() → ServerInfoRes
method set_auth
set_auth(auth: Tuple[str, str]) → None
method table_create
table_create(req: Union[TableCreateReq, dict[str, Any]]) → TableCreateRes
Similar to calls/batch_upsert
, we can dynamically adjust the payload size due to the property that table creation can be decomposed into a series of updates. This is useful when the table creation size is too big to be sent in a single request. We can create an empty table first, then update the table with the rows.
method table_query
table_query(req: Union[TableQueryReq, dict[str, Any]]) → TableQueryRes
method table_query_stats
req: Union[TableQueryStatsReq, dict[str, Any]]
) → TableQueryStatsRes
method table_update
table_update(req: TableUpdateReq) → TableUpdateRes
Similar to calls/batch_upsert
, we can dynamically adjust the payload size due to the property that table updates can be decomposed into a series of updates.
class ServerInfoRes
Pydantic Fields:
:<class 'str'>
class StartBatchItem
Pydantic Fields:
:<class 'str'>
:<class 'weave.trace_server.trace_server_interface.CallStartReq'>
class EndBatchItem
Pydantic Fields:
:<class 'str'>
:<class 'weave.trace_server.trace_server_interface.CallEndReq'>
class Batch
Pydantic Fields:
:list[typing.Union[StartBatchItem, EndBatchItem]]