Environment variables
Weave provides a set of environment variables to configure and optimize its behavior. You can set these variables in your shell or within scripts to control specific functionality.
# Example of setting environment variables in the shell
export WEAVE_PARALLELISM=10 # Controls the number of parallel workers
export WEAVE_PRINT_CALL_LINK=false # Disables call link output
# Example of setting environment variables in Python
import os
os.environ["WEAVE_PARALLELISM"] = "10"
os.environ["WEAVE_PRINT_CALL_LINK"] = "false"
Available Environment Variables
Variable | Type | Default | Description |
WANDB_API_KEY | string | None | If set, automatically log into W&B Weave without being prompted for your API key. To generate an API key, log in to your W&B account and go to https://wandb.ai/authorize. |
WEAVE_DISABLED | bool | false | When set to true , disables all Weave tracing. Weave ops will behave like regular functions. |
WEAVE_PRINT_CALL_LINK | bool | true | Controls whether to print a link to the Weave UI when calling a Weave op. |
WEAVE_CAPTURE_CODE | bool | true | Controls whether to save code for ops so they can be reloaded for later use. |
WEAVE_DEBUG_HTTP | bool | false | When set to true , turns on HTTP request and response logging for debugging. |
WEAVE_PARALLELISM | int | 20 | In evaluations, controls the number of examples to evaluate in parallel. Set to 1 to run examples sequentially. |
WEAVE_TRACE_LANGCHAIN | bool | true | Controls global tracing for LangChain. Set to false to explicitly disable LangChain tracing. |
WEAVE_USE_SERVER_CACHE | bool | false | Enables server response caching. When enabled, responses from the server are cached to disk to improve performance for repeated queries. |
WEAVE_SERVER_CACHE_SIZE_LIMIT | int | 1000000000 | Sets the maximum size limit for the server cache in bytes. When the cache reaches this size, older entries are automatically removed to make space for new ones. Important: the underlying implementation uses SQLite which has a Write Ahead Log (WAL) that will grow to 4MB regardless of this setting. This WAL will be removed when the program exits. |
WEAVE_SERVER_CACHE_DIR | str | None | Specifies the directory where cache files should be stored. If not set, a temporary directory is used. |
WEAVE_MAX_CALLS_QUEUE_SIZE | int | 100000 | Sets the maximum size of the calls queue. Defaults to 100_000. Setting a value of 0 means the queue can grow unbounded. |
WEAVE_RETRY_MAX_ATTEMPTS | int | 3 | Sets the maximum number of retry attempts for failed requests. |
WEAVE_RETRY_MAX_INTERVAL | float | 300.0 | Sets the maximum interval between retry attempts in seconds. |
All boolean environment variables accept the following values (case-insensitive):
for Truefalse
for False