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Tools & Utilities

Weave is developing a set of tools and utilities to help with your workflow and deployment process for AI applications. These are currently in early alpha stages and subject to change. Here's an overview of what we're working on:

Serve (experimental)

Serve is a feature to expose your Weave ops and models as API endpoints. We're exploring possibilities such as:

  • Creating web services for your Weave components
  • Integrating Weave components into existing applications
  • Providing a way to test models in a more production-like setting

Deploy (experimental)

Deploy is another alpha-stage utility we're developing to help with deploying Weave ops and models. Some potential features we're considering include:

  • Pushing models to cloud platforms
  • Managing different deployment environments
  • Exploring ways to automate parts of the deployment process

Please note that these tools are still in very early stages of development. They may not be fully functional, could change significantly, or might be discontinued. We recommend using them for experimental purposes only at this time.