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Publishing an object

Weave's serialization layer saves and versions objects.

import weave
# Initialize tracking to the project 'intro-example'
# Save a list, giving it the name 'cat-names'
weave.publish(['felix', 'jimbo', 'billie'], 'cat-names')

Saving an object with a name will create the first version of that object if it doesn't exist.

Getting an object back

weave.publish returns a Ref. You can call .get() on any Ref to get the object back.

You can construct a ref and then fetch the object back.

cat_names = weave.ref('cat-names').get()

Deleting an object

To delete a version of an object, call .delete() on the object ref.

cat_names_ref = weave.ref('cat-names:v1')

Trying to access a deleted object will result in an error. Resolving an object that has a reference to a deleted object will return a DeletedRef object in place of the deleted object.

Ref styles

A fully qualified weave object ref uri looks like this:

  • entity: wandb entity (username or team)
  • project: wandb project
  • object_name: object name
  • object_version: either a version hash, a string like v0, v1..., or an alias like ":latest". All objects have the ":latest" alias.

Refs can be constructed with a few different styles

  • weave.ref(<name>): requires weave.init(<project>) to have been called. Refers to the ":latest" version
  • weave.ref(<name>:<version>): requires weave.init(<project>) to have been called.
  • weave.ref(<fully_qualified_ref_uri>): can be constructed without calling weave.init